I Love Teaching!

Last week I wrote about the rollercoaster of emotions that I sometimes feel. I wrote that teaching is one of the best things about being a Ph.D. student, and that has never been more true than today! Today, the course’s headteacher and I got an email from a student stating how much they appreciated us as teachers.Continue reading “I Love Teaching!”

First Webinar for this semester

I’m so happy! Yesterday I had the first webinar in the course “Automatic Control Basic Course”, and I got a lot of good feedback from the students. As always, it is delightful when someone appreciates what you do. The idea of a webinar is that the students discuss the material from the latest lecture inContinue reading “First Webinar for this semester”

Lab preparations

As part of my teaching duties, I’m responsible for coordinating lab 1 in the course Automatic control, basic coruse. Coordination includes: Setting up the equipment for the lab (see picture). Coordinate Ph.D. student supervisors. Coordinate student supervisors. Make the signup lists available. Every time I’m surprised by how much time this takes to do. But nowContinue reading “Lab preparations”

New teaching course coming up

I will be one of the teachers next semester in the basic course in Automatic Control. There I will be responsible for webinars, which are online sessions where the students discuss the latest lecture material. The webinars are a new element in the course, so we don’t know what the students will think about it.Continue reading “New teaching course coming up”